Arsenic And Old Lace Play Script

The Arsenic and Old Lace play script stands as a captivating masterpiece, inviting readers to delve into a world of mystery, humor, and poignant themes. With its intricate plot and unforgettable characters, this play has captivated audiences for generations.

The play revolves around the Brewster family, a seemingly ordinary clan with a sinister secret. As the story unfolds, we encounter a cast of eccentric characters, each with their own motivations and desires, creating a tapestry of relationships that drives the narrative forward.



Arsenic and Old Laceis a dark comedy that follows the Brewster sisters, Abby and Martha, two seemingly harmless elderly women who have a secret: they have been poisoning lonely old men with elderberry wine laced with arsenic.

The play’s protagonist, Mortimer Brewster, is a drama critic who discovers his aunts’ secret after he brings his fiancĂ©, Elaine Harper, to meet them. Mortimer is horrified by his aunts’ actions, but he is torn between turning them in and protecting them.


Arsenic and old lace play script

Abby Brewster

Abby is the older of the two Brewster sisters. She is a kind and gentle woman who is devoted to her family. However, she is also deeply delusional and believes that she is helping the men she poisons by sending them to heaven.

Martha Brewster, Arsenic and old lace play script

Martha is the younger of the two Brewster sisters. She is more practical than Abby, but she is also just as delusional. Martha is the one who actually mixes the arsenic into the elderberry wine.

Mortimer Brewster

Mortimer is a drama critic who is engaged to Elaine Harper. He is a kind and compassionate man, but he is also weak-willed and easily manipulated by his aunts.

Elaine Harper

Elaine is Mortimer’s fiancĂ©. She is a strong and independent woman who is horrified by the Brewster sisters’ actions. She tries to convince Mortimer to turn them in, but he refuses.


Arsenic and Old Laceis set in Brooklyn, New York, in the 1940s. The play’s setting is important because it reflects the social and cultural values of the time period.

The Brewster sisters’ home is a symbol of the traditional American family. It is a place where people are expected to be kind and compassionate to one another. However, the sisters’ secret poisoning reveals the dark underbelly of this seemingly idyllic setting.

Themes: Arsenic And Old Lace Play Script


Arsenic and Old Laceexplores a number of themes, including:

  • The nature of good and evil
  • The importance of family
  • The power of delusion
  • The role of society in shaping our values

The play’s exploration of these themes is complex and nuanced. There are no easy answers to the questions that it raises.


Arsenic and old lace play script

Arsenic and Old Laceis a three-act play. The first act introduces the characters and sets up the plot. The second act develops the conflict between Mortimer and his aunts. The third act resolves the conflict and provides a conclusion to the story.

The play’s structure is well-crafted and suspenseful. The pacing is tight, and the plot twists keep the audience engaged until the very end.

FAQ Summary

What is the main conflict in Arsenic and Old Lace?

The main conflict arises from the Brewster family’s secret of poisoning elderly men out of a misguided sense of mercy.

Who is the most memorable character in Arsenic and Old Lace?

Abbie Brewster, the seemingly sweet but delusional elder sister, is often considered the most memorable character due to her eccentric behavior and unwavering belief in her actions.

What is the significance of the title Arsenic and Old Lace?

The title refers to the two key elements of the play: the poison used by the Brewster sisters and the delicate lace that adorns their home, symbolizing the contrast between their deadly secret and their seemingly harmless exterior.