Figure Abcd Is A Trapezoid Find The Value Of X

Figure abcd is a trapezoid find the value of x – As we embark on a journey to unravel the mysteries of trapezoids, our focus falls upon a specific enigma: Figure ABCD is a trapezoid, and we seek to determine the elusive value of X. Join us as we delve into the fascinating realm of trapezoids, where parallel lines and non-parallel sides dance in geometric harmony.

In this discourse, we shall explore the fundamental properties of trapezoids, unraveling the secrets that govern their unique characteristics. We will dissect the concept of the median, unlocking its power to illuminate the hidden relationships within these enigmatic shapes.

Definisi Trapesium: Figure Abcd Is A Trapezoid Find The Value Of X

Figure abcd is a trapezoid find the value of x

Trapesium adalah segi empat dengan satu pasang sisi sejajar yang disebut alas. Sisi-sisi yang tidak sejajar disebut kaki.

Sifat-sifat Trapesium

  • Panjang alas-alasnya sama.
  • Kaki-kakinya tidak sama panjang.
  • Diagonal-diagonalnya tidak sama panjang.
  • Median (titik tengah segmen yang menghubungkan titik tengah alas) sejajar dengan alas dan setengah dari jumlah alas.

Mencari Nilai X


Diketahui sebuah trapesium dengan alas 10 cm dan 14 cm, serta kaki 5 cm. Tentukan panjang x (kaki lainnya).

Median = (10 + 14) / 2 = 12 cm

Karena median sejajar dengan alas, maka panjang x adalah:

x = 12 – 5 = 7 cm

Contoh dan Aplikasi

Figure abcd is a trapezoid find the value of x

  • Pintu berbentuk trapesium dengan alas 1 m dan 1,5 m, serta kaki 0,5 m.
  • Atap rumah berbentuk trapesium dengan alas 6 m dan 8 m, serta kaki 3 m.


Trapesium dapat diperluas menjadi:

  • Trapesium sama kaki (dua kaki sama panjang)
  • Trapesium siku-siku (memiliki satu sudut siku-siku)

Common Queries

What is a trapezoid?

A trapezoid is a quadrilateral with one pair of parallel sides.

What is the median of a trapezoid?

The median of a trapezoid is a line segment that connects the midpoints of the non-parallel sides.

How do you find the value of X in a trapezoid?

To find the value of X in a trapezoid, you can use the properties of trapezoids, such as the relationship between the parallel sides and the non-parallel sides.

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